Definition of Grand duchess

1. Noun. The wife of a grand duke or a woman holding that rank in her own right.

Generic synonyms: Duchess

Definition of Grand duchess

1. Noun. The wife or widow of a grand duke. ¹

2. Noun. (''incorrectly'') sometimes applied to render a grand prince's female spouse ¹

3. Noun. A daughter or granddaughter of a sovereign (czar or later emperor) of the Russian Empire or a pretender to the throne thereof. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Grand Duchess

grand C
grand Turk
grand circle
grand dragon
grand ducal
grand duchess
grand duchesses
grand duchy
grand duke
grand dukedom
grand dukes
grand final
grand fir
grand juries
grand jury
grand larcenies
grand larceny
grand mal
grand mal epilepsy
grand mal seizure

Literary usage of Grand duchess

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. A Short History of Astronomy by Arthur Berry (1899)
"Within a few months Castelli was drawn into a discussion on the relations of the Bible to astronomy, at the house of the grand duchess, and quoted Galilei ..."

2. Contemporary Memoirs of Russia, from the Year 1727-1744 by Cristof Hermann Manstein (1856)
"grand-duchess got the supreme authority into her own hands, she had nothing more to fear. Mademoiselle Mengden, for the better concealment of the intrigue, ..."

3. The Standard Operas, Their Plots and Their Music by George Putnam Upton (1914)
"OFFENBACH (JACQUES) The Grand Ditches* of Gerolstein THE grand duchess of Gerolstein ... The grand duchess of Gerolstein," though in some respects inferior ..."

4. The Diplomatic Correspondence of the American Revolution: Being the Letters by Jared Sparks, United States Dept. of State (1829)
"... persons to the high benevolence of your Imperial Highness." The Baron de Wassenaar then addressed himself to the grand duchess in the following terms. ..."

5. The Russian Court in the Eighteenth Century by Joseph Fitzgerald Molloy (1906)
"CHAPTER IV Birth of the Grand Duke Paul—Rejoicings at his birth—His mother receives a paltry present—Her lover Sergius is sent to Sweden—The grand duchess ..."

6. The Literary Digest History of the World War: Compiled from Original and (1919)
"Submission to Germany's violation of her neutrality had not saved Luxemburg from a fate almost as terrible as The former grand duchess of that °f ..."

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